Health & Wellness
Over 70% of our health is directly related to the food that we eat. Genetics is only a small part. Everything that we put into our bodies will either help us be healthy or contribute towards sickness.
The key to health and good vision begins with a plant-based diet! Many health organizations recommend that we consume 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables every single day, but less than 2% of the population actually does this. Therefore, we have an epidemic of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, macular degeneration, asthma, and auto-immune diseases occurring in younger and younger generations.
Because of this, we encourage all of our patients who want a good quality of life and healthy eyes to eat more fruits and vegetables. Even doing something simple, like adding 5 servings of leafy greens per week, can reduce the risk of macular degeneration by 43%!
If changing your diet is something that you are unable to do, that is when supplementation becomes essential. Dr. Sitterle has been using Juice Plus, a whole food concentrate, that provides his body with essential nutrients from 30 fruits and vegetables every day. He will tell everyone that he feels better in his 50’s than he did in his 40’s. Dr. Maldonado has been using the same Juice Plus supplement for the past few years and she is in better shape with more energy now than she had in high school. In addition to both of our doctors, the doctors’ families, friends, and multiple staff members have all benefited from the higher quality of life that comes from a plant-based diet and Juice Plus supplementation.
Ask any doctor or staff for more information on how to get started and ask how children between the ages of 4 and 18 as well as students full time enrolled in college can get Juice Plus free for 4 years through our Family Health Study!
~Your Sitterle Vision Source Team
Make your health a priority. It is much easier to prevent disease now than to treat it later.